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Nursing Overview - Social life of Ireland

This is probably one of the most common questions we’re asked. You want to know that you can have fun on your days off – because hey, you’ve earnt a break! There’s so much within in Ireland it’s hard to know where to begin but rest assured, you won’t be short on things to see and do.

Clear your mind at the roof top garden at the Chester Beatty Library or take a short walk up to Mountpelier Hill for some stunning views of the city and beyond to Northern Ireland. If you’re looking for a bit of mystery, check out the haunted building The Hell Fire Club! Take a wander through the neighbourhood of Stoneybatter, a suburb of Dublin filled with history, old Victorian houses and some fantastic local street life.

In the spring, stroll through the National Botanical Gardens in Glasnevin or lose yourself at the famous Trinity College. To delve into some history and culture you can also take the Guinness Factory Tour or the Viking tour. Whatever you do, don’t miss out on visiting the old churches of Dublin. The medieval churches are hauntingly beautiful and not to be missed.

The best place to catch up with friends over a Beer? The Workshop on George’s Quay – it’s got a great range of Irish craft beers, some good old fashioned pub grub and a lively atmosphere. Don’t miss Temple Bar, probably one of Dublin’s most famous areas.

If you’re looking for some of that fine Irish Whisky though, you can’t go past the Irish Whiskey Museum. Find out all you need to know about the famous Irish craft whiskey and then settle in for the evening at the upstairs bar The Palace on Fleet Street – perfect for those rainy days when you just need something to warm you up. For an unforgettable night try Mulligan’s on Poolberg Street: great Guinness beer and great conversation – what more could you need?

You can’t go to Ireland without experiencing a lock in – not a COVID 19 lock in, but an Irish Pub lock in. At closing time those who don’t want to head home, are not kicked out they are locked in – willingly! Inside the drinks flow, the music plays and all enjoy the mighty Craic (an enjoyable chat) until the wee hours of the morning.

Once you’ve had your fill of the city, time to get out in the fresh air and soak up the beautiful countryside. There’s so much to see within Ireland that we decided to do a separate blog just about travel! Keep following our #Ireland thread and you’ll find out the best places to travel to while in Ireland.

In the meantime here’s a few helpful websites to help you find out more about the social life in Dublin, Ireland.

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