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Advice & Tips
Below you will find our list with the key things you need to consider to make sure your CV shows you in the best possible light.
Do note that many international employers require “fuller” “Personal Details” for future work visa/permit purposes, etc.
Please include all academic achievements and include your dates (month and year of degree/fellowship/training). Start with the most recent first.
Professional Registration:
Please include name of Professional Body – plus contact details – along with your registration/licensure number, expiry date, etc.
Information to be included for each and every position held – please ensure that there are no chronological gaps in your CV. Likewise, please start with the most recent first. The following information has to be included:-
Names, job titles and hospital address, telephone, fax number and e-mail of 2 Senior staff. Your referees must all be at least at supervisory level.
Check out our video tutorial to help you prepare a perfect international CV for your upcoming application.
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